The Planet Heroes line is fantastic for play and for light-hearted education / planet recognition. My three year old nephew loves the Sun Commander because he is big, easy to manipulate for tiny hands, happy-looking, brightly colored, and strong-looking--with "sun muscles!" (I suppose if one is the center of the entire solar system, one has to be a sturdy fellow!) LOL It's a great bonus that Sun Commander flashes a bright light and comes with a cool, "pet" phoenix that can removed and moved!
With his big feet, Sun Commander can stand independently on tables or floors, which can make for interesting play and arrangements. The sun facts card is also a nice add-on for a quick teaching moment before adventure calls.
He's quite larger than the other heroes, so he doesn't fit in the space ship accessory that is available for purchase. But hey, he is the sun, so maybe he doesn't need a ship to fly....at least that is our story, and we are sticking to it! :)
This toy has been a star at family time...a great product, worth the purchase.Get more detail about
Planet Heroes Sun - Commander.