Buying LeapFrog Tag Reading System (Pink) (32 MB)

Santa brought the Tag system for my 3-year-old daughter last Christmas, and she loved it from the get-go. We got a bunch of the books, including all her favorites like Dora and the Disney Princesses. She spent hours and hours playing with the books, and I would switch the books around so she wouldn't get bored.

Then she realized that her Tag only held 5 books, and that she would have to choose which stories she would have access to. Five sounds like a good amount, but not when you're three and you've "read" them all. It's been a major source of frustration in our house for months.

And now Leapfrog has blessed us with a Tag with more memory! My daughter will be thrilled to get more books this Christmas--and be able to read them all at once! YAY!Get more detail about LeapFrog Tag Reading System (Pink) (32 MB).


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