Transformers Movie 2 Deluxe Bumblebee with Battlecannons This instant

Back when I was a kid, I LOVED my collection of Transformers. Truth be told, many of them are probably still squirreled away somewhere in my mom's basement (she has a problem getting rid of stuff...). After seeing the first movie, I was determined to start collecting the new series. Unfortunately, with four kids of my own, a rather hefty pricetag on the new models, and mediocre reviews on them, I thought twice. But when I saw this one when I was walking through my local discount store the other day (and for slightly less than it's being sold here), I just had to have it.

While the new models aren't the heavy duty diet cast metal I remember from childhood, this Bumblebee seems to be rather solidly built (and, let's face it, those older models were probably covered in lead-based paint!). I like how the two modes have snap-in parts to keep the robot in robot mode and the car in car mode without them falling apart. I'll admit, I had to look at the instructions to get the transformation complete, but I still got in on the first try.

While this won't be subjected to the rigors of daily play, I'm very happy with it. The detail on both modes is impressive and the robot looks very much like the one in the movie. Autobots... let's roll!Get more detail about Transformers Movie 2 Deluxe Bumblebee with Battlecannons.


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